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50 legendary Short Form Video ideas (with SFV Tips & Tricks PDF)

Note: this product is on back order.

Short-form video is dominating social media, and all metrics suggest that video is here to stay. Whether you need inspiration for your own business account, or are looking for new ways to support your clients, coming up with fresh ideas can be tricky.

Enter… Measy’s catalogue of content ideas! This convenient Excel inspo idea list is accompanied by a PDF containing Tips and Tricks to ensure you can optimise the ideas we provide. With 50 ideas to get things moving, and areas to add your your own notes, this is the Holy Grail of cheat sheets!

Advantages include:

  • A diverse collection of ideas that has been created to appeal to either product or service based businesses, and create content for B2B audiences and B2C.
  • Engagement rich content that allows you to repurpose each idea – giving you inspiration to adapt the concepts, making each topic relevant to your business.
  • A PDF containing Tips and Tricks that make sure you can stick within that 90 second window, and optimise the first 3 seconds of your video.

Regular price £14.49 GBP
Regular price Sale price £14.49 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

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